Monday, January 10, 2011

Your Most Pressing Questions

I've set up this post specifically to answer your most pressing questions. Ask them here.


  1. Securing financial aid for single mothers is a great opportunity every single mom would love to accomplish. When you're a single mother it can be a very scary and daunting experience!

    Financial aid for single mothers

  2. I am currently on my campaign to force both this state (FL) and the federal government to hold FL Dept of Revenue Child Support Enforcement Division financially liable for all my son and I had stolen from us by DOR CSE and GIVEN TO THE JERK THAT ABUSED MY SON. I have alot of contacts there and at federal level - how can I help ensure that single mothers are not jerked around and defrauded by the very agency responsible for collecting their support payments?

    Susan Hubbard-Thebeau
    Founder and Advocate -
