I had to do some work on this blog tonight and when I logged in, I noticed several posts that I had left sitting in 'draft' because of some shitty marriage counselor who told me that 'blogging about my marriage' was 'crossing a boundary,' but said nothing of my husband's boundary crossing by bringing a conniving, wretched beast of a woman into our marriage. And so I decided to hit the publish button on all the posts that remained in draft and here we are now...
Frankly, I am fed the fuck up with the lack of accountability, and the lack of responsibility that our society has come to accept in our marriages.
And I'm not just talking about the two people in the marriage either. I'm also talking about the family and the friends, who either refuse to admit to one spouse what they say to the other, or refuse to admit truth, or who simply don't have the balls to call out bullshit, even when it's right in front of their faces.
My husband, Shane McGlaun, began his affair with Elizabeth, "Liz Morton," as an emotional affair in 2014. When caught, I forgave and he apologized, telling me that he was just being 'greedy' and that he loved 'our' sons, that they (his step-children) were 'his,' and that he loved them and that he wasn't going anywhere.
And though I forgave, and we tried to work through it,I would later come to find out that everything either of us thought we knew about infidelity, was wrong. And when I would 'later,' make this discovery, I made it alone because by then, this pathetic excuse for a 'woman,' had been promoted, become his boss, and used her position as such to once again, start 'poking' at our marriage, at the weak spots she'd managed to convince him to divulge some 9 months before when I caught her 'stirring shit' behavior in a text she'd sent to him that said "I asked around about you and 'so and so' says if he had your home life, he'd be grumpy all the time too."
My biggest regret is that when she eventually became his boss, and I caught the inappropriate messages like that starting again, I didn't immediately expose her behavior to the company and get that sorry whore fired. I did do that eventually.... 8 months after he left me to be with her, and she did in fact get fired, while he did not, but by then they'd been living together for 8 monhts.
At which time I asked him "If you want to be with her then why don't you file for the divorce and let me go?" To which he replied "Because I know that if I do that, that'll be it and you'll be done, you'll move on and find someone else and he'll become the new father figure."
And then, like a petrified child who has just told his parents that instead of going to college he wants to run away and join the circus, he hung up on me, and then didn't talk to me for almost 2 months.
And when I asked him again, one night after he dropped the kids off at home after one of his visits, as he sat in his car, he blurted out, "I want legal rights to the kids," and then, again channeling his inner, petulant child, put his car in car and drove off... robbing me of any chance, of my right, to respond...
Finally, in January, more than a year after he'd left, we finally 'talked.' And he told me he wanted to adopt the boys. We had a long discussion about it, and finally came to an agreement. He wanted to tell the boys that he wanted to adopt them and ask them how they felt about it. I allowed it. Only four months later, like the coward all adulterers are, he backed out, and like that same said coward, didn't even possess the courage to tell them himself... just put it all on me.
That story in the next post...
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